Author Archives: William

Painting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Benefits of Painting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Are there benefits of painting out of your comfort zone, or should you just stick to the same subject matter that your accustomed to painting? True, most artists find a niche or genre in which they become known for. Jumping around from one diverse subject to another, doesn’t build a very cohesive body of work. Still, something can be said about pushing your limits.artist looking at easel painting out of your comfort zone

This recently came about with a requested commission painting. My client, had six cats and the last had recently died. She wanted to remember them in a painting that contained a garden scene, a water feature and a few small details including a butterfly, a hummingbird and couple of other birds.  This was no easy task for someone who is primarily a landscape artist. However, in accepting the challenge I realized a few things of which I’ll share.

  1. New Experiences:  By painting out of your comfort zone, you open yourself up to new opportunities, experiences and of course challenges that can help you expand your painting knowledge. My experience with this commission tested my knowledge on perspective and design. Plus I had to do a lot of research on plants and flowers.
  2. Enhanced Creativity: When breaking away from the familiar, it forces your mind to become more adaptable and creative and keeps you engaged.
  3. Skill Acquisition: Challenging subject matter can help you acquire new skills and helps you grow as an artist. No matter how long you’ve been painting.
  4. Self-Discovery:  While you might feel anxious about trying something new, which is natural, the rewards of going beyond your comfort zone can help you realize you can often succeed at doing more than what you thought.

Pushing My Limits

Here’s the commissioned painting. Below the image, is the process that lead to the final painting which was definitely pushing my limits and painting out of my comfort zone.

William Byron Hagerman commissioned painting of cats in a backyard garden scene with a water fountain and flowers

My client sent photos of her cats and of flowers she had in her own garden. However, that doesn’t make a painting. So, the first task was spending time searching images of cats in different poses and using the supplied photos of the actual cats to help with their markings. Also, research was required to identify the different types of plants, flowers, then coming up with a backyard setting.

Once all the reference material was gathered it was now time to sketch out ideas.

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone

In this sketch you can see a few notations of the cats names and where they would be placed. Although the fountain was nice it was bad composition. It pretty much dominated the whole scene. Plus, it was not a good focal area as it was too far to the right.  So, it needed something that didn’t command as much attention. More research was on for other types of wall fountains. Ultimately one was found that was adjusted using other elements from others resources to make it “fit” into the painting. That change also required moving the cats around. Altering one thing can alter the whole. So, you can’t just arbitrarily move something without it effecting something else.

My client also provided details about some of her cats and that one of them liked drinking from fountains. So that had to be included. Another, was to be pawing at a butterfly.  However, when you have any activity going on in your painting, your eye will go to that. So those two cats had to be together and near the water fountain.

So here was the revised sketch.

This image shows a few notations regarding the layout’s design. The arrangement follows some implied lines to lead the eye. The red dots indicated the locations for the cats and possible locations for the other little critters.

Next was finalizing the drawing on a prepared cradled panel using thinned paint.

Even at this stage, there were adjustments made while painting. Some included perspective adjustments and deciding what would be the final plants and flowers to include and which would compliment the scene without being distracting.

Again, here is the final painting. It was done under my Byron signature, which allows me to do other types of work that fall out of range of what I normally paint. My favorite part was painting the elephant ear plant! 🙂

William Byron Hagerman commissioned painting of cats in a backyard garden scene with a water fountain and flowers

So, if your someone who paints, try painting out of your comfort zone. When you do, you might be pleasantly surprised. By the way, my client loved the painting.


Five Reasons to Buy Art Work

Hello, art lovers!  Do you  think that art is just a luxury or a hobby? Well, it can be so much more than that. Art can enrich your life in many ways, and here are some of them:

Five Reasons to Buy Art Work

  1. bluebonnet landscape oil painting with stream and rocks by William HagermanArt stimulates your creativity and imagination. When you look at a painting or a sculpture, you can see the artist’s vision and interpretation of the world. You can also imagine your own stories and meanings behind the artwork, and explore different perspectives and emotions.
  2. Art enhances your mood and well-being. Art can make you happy, calm, inspired, or even challenged. It can also help you cope with stress, anxiety, or depression. Art can be a source of joy and comfort, or a catalyst for change and growth.
  3. Art reflects your personality and values. When you buy art work, you are expressing yourself and your preferences. You are also supporting the artists. You can choose art that resonates with you, and can be a way of showing what matters to you, what you believe in, and what you stand for.
  4. Art beautifies your space and environment. Art can transform any room into a more inviting and attractive place. It can also create a certain atmosphere or mood, depending on the style, color, and theme of the artwork. Art can make your home or office more cozy, elegant, or fun.
  5. Art is an investment and a legacy. Art can increase in value over time, especially if it’s from a renowned or emerging artist. It can also be a part of your heritage and history, something that you can pass on to your family or friends. Art can be a treasure that lasts for generations and it’ll last longer than the latest smart phone. You might also be surprised that you can often buy good art for less than some of the latest electronic gadgets.

So there you have it: the top five reasons to buy art work. I hope this article has inspired you to start or expand your art collection. Remember: art is for everyone, and everyone deserves art!

Twelve Reasons for Taking an Art Class

Are you looking for a fun and creative way to spend your free time? Do you love nature and art? Do you want to learn a new skill and unleash your inner creativity and express yourself through art? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should consider taking an art class. Here are twelve reasons for taking an art class and why it’s a great idea:

  1. You will learn how to observe and appreciate the beauty of nature. Landscape painting teaches you how to pay attention to the colors, shapes, textures, and light of the natural world. You will develop a deeper connection with your surroundings and discover new ways of seeing things.
  2. You will improve your drawing and painting skills. Landscape painting is a challenging but rewarding genre that requires you to master the basics of perspective, composition, value, and color theory. You will also learn how to use different mediums and techniques to create realistic and expressive effects.
  3. You will unleash your creativity and imagination. Landscape painting is not just about copying what you see, but also about interpreting it in your own way. You can experiment with different styles, moods, and themes to convey your personal vision and feelings.
  4. You will have fun and relax. Landscape painting is a great way to enjoy yourself and reduce stress. You can immerse yourself in the process of creating something beautiful and satisfying. You can also share your work with others and get feedback and encouragement.
  5. You will meet new people and make friends. Landscape painting is a social activity that allows you to interact with other like-minded people. You can learn from each other, exchange ideas, and inspire each other.
  6. You will boost your confidence and self-esteem. Landscape painting is a form of self-expression that helps you discover more about yourself and your potential. You will feel proud of your achievements. You will also develop a positive attitude and a growth mindset that will help you in other areas of your life.
  7. Landscape painting has many benefits for your mind and mood. It can improve your concentration, memory, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. It can also lower your anxiety, depression, and boredom levels. It can even stimulate your brain and prevent cognitive decline as you age.
  8. You will expand your horizons and perspectives. Landscape painting encourages you to travel and explore new places, both physically and virtually. You will find inspiration in different landscapes, from mountains and forests to cities and seasides. You will also appreciate the diversity and beauty of our planet.
  9. You can create something meaningful and valuable. Art is not only a form of expression, but also a form of communication. By taking an art class, you can create something meaningful and valuable that conveys your message, vision, or story to others.
  10. You can showcase your talent and achievements. By taking an art class, you can showcase your talent and achievements by displaying your artwork in exhibitions, competitions, or online platforms.
  11. You can support the arts community. By taking an art class, you can support the arts community by contributing to its vitality and diversity.
  12. You will have a fulfilling hobby or career. Landscape painting is a rewarding activity that can enrich your life in many ways. Whether you do it for fun or for profit, you will find joy and satisfaction in creating something meaningful and beautiful.

As you can see, there are many reasons why taking an art class can be a wonderful experience for you.

So what are you waiting for?Oil Painting Art Class

Sign up for an art class today and discover the benefits of art for yourself. You won’t regret it!

William Hagerman offers several once a month art class painting sessions / workshops. He brings his talent and expert guidance as a teacher to North East Texas. So, if you love nature and art, register for a class and learn how to capture the essence of nature with your brush. For more information and class schedule click here.

Trompe l’oeil Painted Doors

For the first post of 2023 I thought I’d share a couple of unique and fun projects of Trompe l’oeil painted doors. If your unfamiliar with the term, trompe l’oiel is a French term used to describe a highly detailed painting meant to fool the eye. Variations on this concept have been used for interior and exterior murals with varying degrees of detail. Sometimes you don’t always have to go to the extreme in detail to dress up and provide a piece of art onto an otherwise plain flat utilitarian object.

Such was the case when contacted by a client to paint the illusion of a Dutch door onto a plain metal interior door that was the entrance to the living area of their “barndominium.” After taking a tour of their home and seeing the interior colors and gathering more info from them, an initial sketch was done and once approved work began. The following will show some progress shots.

First was the door as it originally stood before it was delivered to my studio.
Interior metal door before a tromp l'oiel painting was done

The photograph of the door was printed out and I used it to draw my preliminary sketch and a color mock up to show the client. Once approved the work began.






First Phase

Start of a Tromp l'oiel painted door by William Hagerman

After the drawing was done, areas were masked off and then painted with latex interior house paint. The color was a close match to other existing colors in my clients home. Once dry, blue painters tape was applied to mask off the already painted area, which made it easier to paint the background.





Second Phase of the tromp l’oiel door

tromp l'oiel painted door in progress by William HagermanOnce the background was painted in, the painters tape was removed. The tape had also been put over the bluejay bird on the ledge of the door. An exacto knife was used to cut around the shape. Invariably a little paint seeped under areas of the tape requiring some touch up. Now with the tape removed the bluejay was painted.

The rest of the door was painted sitting on the floor.



tromp l'oiel painted door  to look like a Dutch door by William Hagerman

Here’s the completed door which included my clients Shar-Pei dog Hazel sitting at the base.






Tromp l’oiel painted Dutch Door Installed
tromp l'oiel painted door to look like a Dutch door by William Hagerman

And here’s the door installed!

This was a new experience in painting and it was sooo much fun to do!

The fun continued with another painted door project for another client with a slightly even more challenging subject.




Another painted door!

The work process was similar to the above, however,  oil paint was used in areas that needed more open time making it easier to blend colors. However, the door had texture and panels so a sheet of smooth plywood was attached and then primed prior to painting. The subject was  my client’s daughter who had done some modeling and his English bulldog PaPa when still a pup sitting at the base.

Tromp l'oiel painted door to look like an open half door.      Tromp l'oiel painted door by William Hagerman

So what do you think?


Windberg Style Bluebonnet Painting

Windberg Style Bluebonnet Painting

In this prior blog post I wrote  about famed Texas Artist Dalhart Windberg and how he had an early influence on my art. Early on I tried to emulate his style, before embarking on my own way of painting.

After 30 plus years, I decided to try out the technique he employed once again in this Windberg Style Bluebonnet Painting.

It’s not as flawless in it’s smoothness as Windberg’s but then again, he had many years to hone his skills in applying this smooth brush style of painting. This painting is 8×10 and was painted on a prepared cradled panel.

If you’re not familiar With Dalhart Windberg’ his work, here is an example. It was fun revisiting this technique and I may just have to try it out once again!

Dalhart Windberg: A Recollection

Dalhart Windberg: A Recollection

The following is a recollection of the early influence that artist Dalhart Windberg  had on my art.

I was around 8 years old when I first became aware of famed Texas artist Dalhart Windberg during the mid 1970’s. My aunt who was quite talented and painted as a hobby and my uncle, collected Windberg prints. During a family visit, my aunt was showing my mother their print collection and I wanted to see it too. Even at this young age my interest in art was already quite high. My eyes became glued to the works as my aunt carefully unveiled each print. Windberg’s atmospheric qualities and little hidden details so characteristic of his work captivated my attention. This was probably my first real experience in seeing another persons art and I wanted to paint like that I thought to myself. The image below was one of the prints.

Dalhart Windberg Contentment 1970's era painting

Dalhart Windberg’s “Contentment”

My Introduction to Oil Paints

My aunt must have taken notice of my interest in painting and a couple of years later bought me a starter set of oil paints as a gift. The first attempts were clumsy to say the least and I didn’t pursue it much until a couple of years later when a family friend and artist C. L. Curry began teaching lessons.  Thankfully my parents agreed to the lessons and at the age of 12 I regularly attended the weekly 3 hour class. Soon the clumsiness that I first experienced with oil paints had passed.

Meeting Windberg

Soon after this time at the age of 13, Dalhart was having a print signing in Houston, TX where we were living and was also showing a few original works. My father took me to see him. There was a long line to wait for him to autograph my copy of his first biography book “In The Path of the Masters” printed in 1978. Dalhart Windberg In the Path of the Masters bookWhile standing in line I overheard the conversation of a couple standing in front of me. One gentleman was describing one particular work of Windberg to the other about a night scene that he liked, but couldn’t remember the title. I spoke up and said: “Nocturnal Harmony!” The man turned to look at me with a very surprised look on his face. “That’s it!” he said in a voice of disbelief. I don’t think he expected a skinny little 13 year old to know that. But, I did. I liked that painting too.

Dalhart Windberg Nocturnal Harmony

Nocturnal Harmony

Soon I was standing in front of the artist whose work I first admired several years before. He signed my book and then I viewed for the first time some of his original paintings. They were even more beautiful in person. There was still a long line of people waiting to see the artist and have their prints and books autographed, so I had to move along. I could have stared at those painting for a long time.

Another Meeting

In 1984 another opportunity to meet the artist was in Midland, TX. He was having a showing of works at a local bank with artists Mark Pettit and Daryl Trott.The Windberg Technique of Oil Painting book I had purchased his first instruction book on his painting technique and wanted him to sign it. I took my aunt along who also had a copy. This time I got to spend quite a bit of time talking with him and even got to show an example of one of my paintings. It surprised my aunt who had never seen me talk so much as my inclination is to be rather reserved and quiet. But, when it comes to talking art, I can chatter with the best of them. The encounter ended with Dalhart giving me his business card and the invitation to contact him.

Visiting Windberg at His Home

About a year later, I mailed some photos of recent work to hopefully get a critique or some advice. I followed up with a phone call to see if he got the photos. He received them, but he told me it was hard to tell much from the photos and was there anyway for me to bring some of my paintings to his home so he could look at them….nope, not a chance, couldn’t possibly do that…yea right, I was already packing my bags.

I drove several hundred miles to his home in Austin, TX where he lived at the time. By now I had my driving license. Dalhart took me to dinner at nearby cafe where we ate and talked art. I was shown great hospitality from him and his wife Evelyn. I spent the night in the guest room and the next day was able to watch him paint in his studio. A funny moment was when while watching him paint, I noticed that some elements with a similar shape in the painting lined up in a row. I spoke up and pointed it out. Thankfully, I wasn’t thrown out onto the street. No, he was very gracious and admitted that I was right. He then corrected the area. Later, he told me; “I can’t teach you to paint. You already know how to do that. But, I can teach you how to get a more professional look to your paints.” Thus he shared from his experience some of the technical aspects of painting with me. What a privilege.

For a considerable time after that I tried to follow his technique from reading his instruction book. Then in 1987 I was invited to spend a day or two in Fredericksburg, TX where Dalhart was teaching a workshop. Again, I accepted the invitation and took along one of my paintings. By this time my work was receiving comments from others that they looked like Windberg’s! Dalhart even showed the painting I brought as an example to some of the other students in his workshop. One of those students later took a few art lessons from me!

But, as time went on and as appreciation for other art styles and my artistic knowledge about various techniques grew, I now had the desire to find my own look and style. I’m happy to say I feel I have, but I’m still ever grateful to the advice and experience of Dalhart Windberg who became one of several early influences on my art. All receive a heartfelt thanks for sharing their time and expertise.

How to Draw an Oak Tree Video

In this post I’d like to share with you, how to draw an oak tree video. When taking painting lessons, many years ago, the instructor shared an approach which has been of great value not only to myself, but to other art students in drawing trees. I’m now sharing this beneficial art tip.

How to Draw an Oak Tree Video online art lesson by William Hagerman artist

Seeing Shape and Form in Drawing an Oak Tree

A tree is recognized by its shape or silhouette. What gives a shape it’s dimension is through the use of light and dark values, which describe the form of the shape. This video will show you how to use an HB, 3B and 6B graphite pencil to compose a convincing tree form. In this instance a personal favorite. The mighty live oak!

Hope you enjoyed this How to Draw an Oak Tree Video!

You might also like this blog post on How to Paint a Tree. If interested in joining my Zoom art class, please contact me.

Here is the Video Transcript on How to Draw an Oak Tree

Note: The transcript sounds a little weird if you don’t watch the video. 🙂

Hello. William Hagerman here, I’m going to share with you a little bit of a tip that I learned many years ago from my own art instructor about drawing trees, some things that helped me be able to compose.

I have laid out here my HB pencil, a 3B and a 6B hard graphite pencil. This represents what will be three different values. The harder the lead, the lighter the stroke appears, the softer the lead, the darker the marks will be. You could use one pencil and just through pressure and make a darker accent. But I thought I would work with these. What I learned here, this is my HB pencil is trying to design, say, an Oak tree with sort of a block, almost circular type form. For example, started doing some things like this.

Hopefully you can be able to see that. I’ll be darkening things up. But what this helps to do is I can kind of visualize areas that will sort of overlap certain areas and help me to try and draw in some sort of a silhouette here, of a larger Oak tree. So starting with, say, source of light coming in from this direction, we have this one sort of rounded, oval type of a form, and it’s going to graduate from light to dark. So I’m starting with the lighter HB pencil, using the side here, got it sharpened up, so you have a little bit of a longer lead there. And I want to come down just a little ways, and then I want to pick up the 3B pencil, which is a little bit darker. And again, it graduates from a light to middle into a dark value. So I’m going to go in here, keeping in mind the direction of where the sunlight is coming from to the side there on the left.

And then a 6B pencil, which has a darker mark, I’m going to indicate areas underneath here that represent more of the deeper parts of the tree, the shadow. And here it meets another form that’s sort of in front of it. Excuse me, just hit the camera. Sorry about that. I’m going to go back to the HB. It’s going to repeat the process again, lights coming from here, and we’re going to have sort of the lighter tone. I could probably erase that little line there but I’m not going to worry about it right now. This is not to be a finished drawing, but something to help you visualize the structure of some trees. Okay, so there’s the light. Pick up next the three B hardness graphite pencil.

And each of these kind of represent some little forms of smaller ones in the big area, kind of light, dark, like dark, and then into the deeper parts of the tree, then oops there goes the lead, pressed a little too hard. That’s okay.

Re-darkening some of this to get a little greater contrast. Now then going back again to the HB to start the process over again. Each of these clumps are going to get the same sort of process of a light, a middle value, and then a dark value.

Do this one as well, if you notice, keeping in mind the direction of the light is coming from here. So it’s catching light. But as it comes down and underneath, some of this might be getting a little darker. Again, some of the deepest part within the shadow.

Okay. So now we have a couple of areas, we can maybe divide this one larger shape, this one kind of overlaps. But I want to take this one here and this one maybe pull it down a little bit. Okay. Repeat the process,  get the right pencil here, my lighter one, HB.

Then we’re going to go darker.

Switch to the darkest graphite pencil there.

Now then, this one here is sort of more because I have this one overlapping. It’s sort of sitting more up underneath all of this. So it’s not out to the front, it’s more to the back. And as a result of the lights coming from here, these clumps of foliage are going to cast its own shadow across this. So this is going to be mostly dark. So this is kind of like on the backside of the tree.

There may be a little bit of light catching through, kind of a middle value there, but for the most part, that’s on the back side of that tree. So that’s why it’s a little darker overall. Now, this is going to be another clump. I may change its direction a little bit. I say you can alter it as you go along, but again, you’re going to have the this one is sticking out a little bit in front, so we’ll have some light on it.

This one then go into the darker area. And again, because this is curving back and it’s kind of away from the light, see, it’s going to be darker. And underneath, again, we’re going to have the darker foliage.

This is a clump that’s kind of sitting off in the back. And because of all of these, it too is going to be mostly dark. So it’s not going to get the lighter, but it will get a little reflective light from the sky. So I will use the 3B pencil here, kind of represent a little lighter edge up against the sky. But for the most part, it’s all going to be in shadow. This clump here is going to be also perhaps on the back side. So it’s going to also receive some more dark, maybe quite a bit of dark under here because all this other foliage is casting a shadow.

Okay. So here I have the basic structure of tree. We can then go back in and imagine maybe some limbs, the trunk, wrap, some limbs that’s going to come down, fall down. More details, since it’s going up into the dark of the tree, the tree trunks also have to be dark because I say there’s not light, it’s more overhead. So most of the tree trunk is going to be dark because it’s underneath. Indication of some little limbs coming through, and just give a little ground line.

As you see this gives you kind of an idea of light middle, dark. It describes more of the form of the tree. Now as you go if you were painting this then you would mix up three different values of a light, middle and a dark value. So that would help you I think in being able to achieve more realism into your tree getting more shape and form so it doesn’t look flat. So I hope this little tip that helped me in visualizing many years ago from my artist you’re working with these little blocked clumps and having some overlap one another you can more easily visualize what’s in the front, what’s on the backside and it’ll help you understand your light and darks where they would possibly go.

Selecting Art for Your Living Space

Selecting art for your living space can be a challenge. However, it’s not as difficult as you might imagine. After all you  choose other items in your home that reflect your taste and personality. selecting art for your living space

Recently, I was asked to give my two cents for an article published on the Redfin Blog.

Here’s a little blurb below with a link to the full article. You’ll find my comments along with the other suggestions.

Art can make any house feel like a home, but sometimes it can be a challenge to find art pieces that speak to you and reflect your design style. With many different art forms, there are some pieces that could fit well with your existing decor and others that may not. If this sounds like a problem you are facing, Redfin reached out to art experts from Encinitas, CA to Windsor, ON, for suggestions on unique art pieces to consider for every room in your home. From metal sculptures to metal prints, Check out The Art of Selecting Art: Experts Share Unique Art Pieces for Every Room of the House to see what they had to say.

By the way, the image above was a free stock photo, but, I inserted my latest “Byron” signature work onto the wall since it was a perfect match for the color scheme! Hopefully these suggestions on selecting art for your living space will inspire you to beautify your home with art.


Completing a Mural

The work is done! I now get to share the completing of a mural for the Haystacks restaurant in Sulphur Springs, Texas!

My first video post on the project is here. It basically shows the sketch. Here are the next 3 short videos showing the progress and completed project!

Getting the Ground Covered

Sky Work


Detail Work and Finish

This was a fun project and quite different than working at the easel. Plus working with acrylics and acrylic mural paint rather than oils was also different and using Styrofoam plates as  palettes!

Here’s some still shots of the mural. Click the images for a larger view. So what do you think?


Old Barns

Painting Inspiration: Old barns!

I love old barns, don’t you? They have such character! Now that I live in Northeast Texas, there seems to be quite a few. Even nicer is some aren’t very far away. This little trio cluster of barns wasn’t far from our home and became the basis for my painting titled “Barn  Trio” which is 9×12 and available for purchase direct.

landscape oil painting, painting of old barns by William Hagerman

In Plein Air

When time permits I enjoy painting on location. If you wish to paint landscapes it’s such a valuable learning session because you see so much more than what a photo will show. But when combined with photos for reference, it captures the essence of the scene and becomes more true to life.

Here’s a little on location video showing the start of the painting and the scenery. Enjoy!