Bluebonnet Landscape Oil Paintings

A Selection of Sold "William Hagerman" and " "Byron" Signature Works

For many years I have enjoyed bluebonnet landscape oil paintings. My first major attempt at oil painting was when I was 12 years old. It was a bluebonnet painting. After 46 years I have never tired of painting them and they’ve become part of my specialty. One gallery owner felt I was one of the best living bluebonnet painters today.

Below is an extensive gallery of 75 bluebonnet paintings both under my William Hagerman and Byron Signature works. They are arranged in no particular order except for grouping my Hagerman Signature Works and those of my Byron Signature Works. All of these have found homes. Would you like a bluebonnet painting to grace the walls of your home? Let’s talk!

 Contact me today for a commissioned painting just for you!