Recently my wife and I got away for the day to celebrate our 9th anniversary and do a little antique malling. Afterwards we were hungry but also wanted to check out any nearby places for wine tasting. We came upon a place in Lubbock, TX called La Diosa Cellars. The food and wine was great, and then there was dessert. It got me to thinking about Food and Art; It’s all in the presentation!
Here’s a photo. That’s chocolate, blueberries and cream.
So what does this have to do with art? It’s all in the presentation. When we first walked into the establishment, we were greeted with a pleasing, artsy, laid back atmosphere. Very comfortable surroundings. The menu description of the food was mouth watering and then the presentation was great. So it goes with ones art work. If you want to put your work out there and sell it, make it palatable. If you’re showing your work in an art booth, make your surroundings inviting. If you work in 2D media, frame your work well. The presentation can’t be overlooked. If your work is good to begin with, taking the time to make it even more mouthwatering is worth the extra effort as the photo below illustrates. So remember: Food and Art; It’s all in the presentation!